Division of 数学 & 科学

数学 & 科学 Undergraduate 招生

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Provisional Admission

Students entering Delta State University who declare a baccalaureate major of Biology, 化学, Environmental Science or 数学 or enroll in a non-degree pre-professional program are initially admitted with provisional status. Students who demonstrate satisfactory performance in their introductory math and science courses (as defined below) are granted full admission to the program. The intent of this policy is to insure that all students gain the basic knowledge and skills required for the level of scholarship expected from them in their advanced studies and in their future professions.

Full Admission – Biology and Environmental Science

Full admission is granted upon satisfactory completion of the following introductory science courses:

100年生物: 普通生物学I
101年生物: 普通生物学II
格瓦拉101: 普通化学I
格瓦拉102: 普通化学II
格瓦拉103: General 化学 Laboratory I
格瓦拉104: General 化学 Laboratory II

Full Admission – 化学

Full admission is granted upon satisfactory completion of the following introductory science courses:

格瓦拉101: 普通化学I
格瓦拉102: 普通化学II
格瓦拉103: General 化学 Laboratory I
格瓦拉104: General 化学 Laboratory II
垫104: 大学代数
垫105: Plane Trigonometry, or MAT 106 Precalculus

Full Admission – 数学

Full admission is granted upon satisfactory completion of the following introductory science courses:

MAT 104/105或106: 大学代数 and Trigonometry or Precalculus
垫251: 微积分我

Satisfactory completion is defined as completing a course with a grade of C or better. Any grade below C must be removed by repeating the course to improve the grade. Students should be aware that repeating courses may increase the time required for graduation. A student who has not been granted full admission will not be permitted to register for upper-division courses (BIO courses numbered 200 or above, CHE courses numbered 300 or above, upper division math courses). Some non-degree pre-professional programs require only the first semester of general biology and/or chemistry. Students in such programs must still satisfactorily complete the required introductory courses to attain full admission status. Requirements for full admission also apply to students who transfer credit from other institutions. Courses equivalent to the introductory courses listed above must have been completed with grades of C or better to be accepted for transfer credit. Verification of transcripts should be completed prior to the start of the first semester of enrollment. Upon enrolling for the first semester, a transfer student whose transcript has not been verified will be given provisional status. When it has been verified that students have fulfilled the requirements, they will be granted full admission status. Enrollment in upper-division courses will not be permitted until full admission status has been granted.

Requirements for Graduation

除了 to the general University graduation requirements, the Division requires satisfactory academic performance in all major courses. Specifically, this means that no grade below C in a required course may be applied toward graduation. Any grade below C must be removed by repeating the course and earning a C or better grade. This requirement is in addition to the University requirement for maintaining a 2.0 quality point average for all major course work.   For students, majoring in mathematics or mathematics education, a 2.5 GPA in upper level coursework is required.  Students in the BSE program must have at least a 3.0 grade point average on the required General Education coursework and at least a 3.0 overall grade point average. 除了, students in the BSE program will take the Praxis subject area test in mathematics and pass at a published level (see the Department for the most current information).